cause cold
chills me to the bones
tag please or die

nostalgia here. tell me your precious moments :)
greeta says hi

An ordinary girl who loves her life so much. She loves maltesse, teddy bears, rain, christian bautista, and of course herself. She's 15 years old now. Happy now, because she has graduated from Junior High School. Enjoy her words, and her stories here! Cao!


It's not a white canvas! Laughter of Sadness it's nikho, not nico ♥fairydust♥ be your self here :) .a little princess. .ribbonyboo. TICK-TOCK hot chocolate and mint Try to be Stylish Jess Loves Fred the cherry blossom girl wild tortoise Natalie Off Duty kalarisis bryan boy Forget me not. Berware! The Ogre is behind you! Fifi Lapin
Selasa, 11 Mei 2010 @ 01.23
ngidam :(
aduh akhir akhir ini gua lagi banyak maunya nihh --a
gua mau punya anjing, trutama maltese!
trus gua juga mau teddybear yang GEDE
trus gua juga mau tas baru
trus mau makan pancake
dan yang katanya aldo paling susah

gua mau dede bayi!
hiks emang susah sih kalo yang ini -.-
so, ada yang berbaik hati mau mengabulkan satuuuu aja keinginan gua?


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